Monday was a pretty boring day. The boys had school, with a lot more live sessions with teacher. Nick had guitar lessons after school. Ben had work today as well. I managed to get a lot of pictures downloaded, but still have to work on the videos.
After everyone was done with work, we went into Moab to explore the town some more. We found two Little Libraries and the boys each found a book. Nick’s is more of a workbook (do 1 thing a day). I am loving this Little Library idea. We had a couple near us at the house, but with the city library not far from us, we didn’t use them a lot. These are helping so much on the road. The boys get to find new books and return ones that they brought with them or found on the road. It is really helping with storage space.

We ordered a pizza for dinner and ate back at the RV. The boys finished the evening with some time in the pool in the evening.