Posted in: Exploring Arizona, Sightseeing

Buying a Cowboy Hat

We were going to get Nick a cowboy hat when we got to Texas for his birthday. However, we saw a really neat hat store (Russell’s) in Tombstone, so he ended up getting it early.

You know how in the Harry Potter books they help you pick out your perfect wand? Hat shopping was a little like that. We went over uses, wear, and the best hat for a kid. We were guided to the water resistant and packable hats (more crush resistant for a kid). He tried on different sizes, styles and crowns, and colors. (He ended up getting a Bailey Lite Felt hat. We got one a little loose so he had room to grow. The saleslady put in foam adjustment pieces to help it fit his head.)

Nick’s hat. Apparently there are also names for all the pieces of the hat.

Nick even wrote his own post about his experience! See below. 🙂


Hi my peeps, it’s Nick and this is about my adventure in Tombstone. As you probably know we went to Tombstone. But, you might not know is that I got an amazing hat. It is a cowboy hat that is brown, rain resistant, awesome, and it can be scrunched up and put in places. I went to a hat store there in Tombstone (yes, they have one). It was really cool. They had a lot of hats. Scrunchable hats are I guess rare, because there were not a lot of them at the shop. They had a lot of hats that were really tall. Not like huge hats, but really big though. They had a lot of black hats. I got a brown one because I knew that it would be hot. They had really light colors like grey but she said it might have a sweat line because I sweat a lot. The hat has a lot of great uses. The day I got it I used it as a hat but I also used it to cover my eyes so I could take a nap. It also has some disadvantages like it does not have a strap so it can fly off my head. (They only had one that had the strap but it was one of the tall ones). She also had to add some foam pieces so it fit my head. She also said that the hats there last a really long time. It was nice to have a hat that had a nice amount of shade. And if you are ever are in Tombstone be sure to check out the hat shop. And do not forget to look at the walking down Tombstone video. It should be on the good old YouTube. Yee haw!

Posted in: Injuries, Sightseeing, YouTube Video Link

July 15: Injuries and Deadwood

The boys began the morning with riding their bikes. It’s been nice and cool in the mornings, low 50’s! We even turned the fireplace on. When we bought the RV, we thought we would never use it.

Will is not used to riding on gravel yet, or switching from grass to gravel, or something, because he took a rather large fall. He scrapped off a bunch of skin from his elbow, some from his hands. It’s rather large and took awhile to stop bleeding. Second day of new bikes. Seriously?! He is healing rather well, although the largest scrape is going to take awhile.

I applied window tint to the passenger window in the truck. The goal was to do both the driver and passenger because the sun can be intense when you are driving all day. After 4 attempts and out of tint film, I only got the passenger side done. It was extremely frustrating. The wind kept blowing, the film ripped twice while I was trying to smooth it out, and I couldn’t get rid of all the air bubbles. I’m done. Not doing the other window. It took hours, and it doesn’t even look good. It will keep Ben from burning in that seat, but that’s about all the positive I can say for it. It took the whole morning.

Before and After

So, after Ben was done with work, we were all ready to do something fun. Now, if you know Ben, you know he has horrible taste in movies and loves any kind of Western. (Just kidding, kind of. He really will watch almost any Western.) We decided to go see Deadwood. It was about an hour from our campsite.

I think we all had high expectations for poor Deadwood. It did not really live up to them. It was very touristy, not very kid friendly, and definitely relied on the famous names of the time to label everything. Main Street was cobblestone and there were a few historic buildings: the Franklin Hotel (great upper balcony), Salon No. 10 where Wild Bill Hickok was shot, and a few others seemed like they were older/original buildings. Most of the attractions seemed to be mini casinos and bars. There is a free gun show on Main Street daily (not Sunday) that was fun to see. The boys got a kick out of it. There is another show of the capture of Jack McCall, but you need to buy tickets for that one.

A lot of places seemed to close at 5:00pm. We missed seeing the Adams Museum, which included Potato Creek Johnny’s gold nugget that we had heard about at Buffalo Ridge 1880 Cowboy Town. There are trolley and horse drawn wagon rides as well.

One of my favorite finds in Deadwood was the Pump House. It is an old gas station that has been converted into a coffee house and glass blowing studio. The pieces on display were amazing. We arrived five minutes before closing (also 5:00pm), but they made us coffee anyway. She was extremely nice. We sat on the patio and enjoyed our drinks. I would definitely check this place out! The coffee and scone were tasty and the building is unique and adorable. I loved it and wished we could have spent more time there. It looks like you would be able to watch the glass blowing, which would be interesting to see.

There is a ton of history there, which I hope they incorporate more. Ben I think was very disappointed. He loves watching crappy Westerns and had high hopes for Deadwood. I would love for it be more historical and less cheesy/easy road. I love Gatlinburg for a lot of reasons, but Deadwood reminded me of a small Gatlinburg main street: a lot of bling, but not a lot of substance.

We took a couple of videos of Deadwood!

Walking Down Main Street

The Main Street Shootout

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