Nick is starting to get into the National Park’s Junior Ranger program. He didn’t want to do it for the first several (…many…most…) of the parks, but now he enjoys it. He wanted to check out if Myrtle Beach State Park had a program as well. They did have a patch program! Due to COVID, the program had changed a little bit. Before, you had to attend programs to earn a patch, but now you have to complete 3 scavenger hunts in different parts of the park.
The scavenger hunts are available online. Most of the items are things you can find on the informational signs around the park. Nick had a fun time as we walked around this week so he could find the signs. We all enjoyed finding the tree branches that made the shape of South Carolina.

Nick turned in his paperwork and got to pick out which badge he wanted. He said they had a box full of different designs, but of course he went with one that had a turtle.
So smart of Nick to take advantage of the parks and all their treasures…. I know i say this a lot but we know this year will be forever etched in your memories and it opens up with confidence the joy and wonder of venturing into the unknown……. The boys are learning so much about the “ins and outs” of planning a trip all the time and planning each adventure requires… Again thanks so much for taking the time to share….
He’s been having lots of fun doing the ranger type of programs. It’s nice of the parks to offer it!
Way to go, Nick! Congratulations!!