Posted in: Exploring Florida, Sightseeing

Just The Two of Us

It’s been a minute, or you know…6 years, since Ben and I went on a trip with just the two of us. In March we went to Miami, Florida. (Yes, I’m very behind on posting this.) We had to work it in between work things, doctor’s visits (the dentist appointment took months to get, I wasn’t changing it!), and the kids’ school. We settled on Miami because we were looking for somewhere warmer and sunny.

What we didn’t count on was it being over spring break. WHOOPS! Miami, specifically South Beach where we were staying had a curfew every night (midnight), but also an alcohol sale curfew (6pm for non-restaurant stores. Like the Walgreens that sold alcohol.) There were a lot of cops around at night, including ATV, bike, ones in cars, and the gang unit. However, there were also a lot of crowds. Some sections of the street were so crowded that we avoided that area for the rest of the trip. I would not recommend going anywhere near spring break, but there is cool architecture to look at and boat tours to take.

Our hotel was conveniently located near a lot of restaurants and the beach.

We walked to the South Beach Pier, although it was dark so we didn’t get to see a lot. We went back the next day to see it in the daylight.

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